Brain Injury Lawyer Coral Springs, FL

At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we understand the profound impact that a brain injury can have on an individual’s life and the lives of their loved ones. Situated in the heart of Coral Springs, FL, our dedicated team of brain injury lawyers brings a wealth of experience and a compassionate approach to each case we undertake. Recognizing the complexity of brain injury cases, we are committed to providing personalized legal representation, aiming to secure the justice and compensation our clients deserve. Our firm leverages extensive legal knowledge and resources to navigate the intricacies of brain injury litigation, ensuring that the rights and interests of our clients are vigorously defended.

We, at The Andres Lopez Law Firm, pride ourselves on our ability to offer comprehensive support to victims of brain injuries, guiding them through the legal process with empathy and professionalism. Understanding the challenges that come with brain injuries, our Coral Springs-based team works tirelessly to alleviate the burden on our clients, allowing them to focus on their recovery. Our strategic approach to litigation, combined with our dedication to achieving the best possible outcomes, positions us as a leading advocate for brain injury victims in Coral Springs, FL. We are not just lawyers; we are partners in our clients’ journeys towards justice and recovery, committed to standing by their side every step of the way.
Brain injury lawyer Coral Springs, FL

Causes of Brain Injury Accidents

Brain injuries are among the most severe and life-altering injuries an individual can endure. They not only affect the physical capabilities of the person but also their cognitive functions, emotional state, and overall quality of life. Recognizing the causes of brain injury accidents is crucial for prevention and, when necessary, seeking justice and compensation for the affected parties. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we have encountered a myriad of cases, each with its unique circumstances but often stemming from common causes.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

One of the leading causes of brain injuries is motor vehicle accidents. These include collisions involving cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. The force of impact can cause the brain to move within the skull, resulting in bruising, bleeding, or tearing of brain tissue. Despite advancements in vehicle safety features, the sheer force of some collisions can still lead to significant brain injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident, we urge you to reach out to us. Our team at The Andres Lopez Law Firm is skilled in navigating the complexities of these cases, ensuring that our clients’ rights are protected and that they receive the compensation they deserve.


Falls are another common cause of brain injuries, affecting all age groups but particularly posing a risk to children and the elderly. Falls can occur at home, in the workplace, or in public places, often due to unsafe conditions such as wet floors, poor lighting, or inadequate safety measures. The aftermath of a fall can be devastating, leading to a long and challenging recovery process. We understand the importance of holding responsible parties accountable and are committed to assisting our clients in securing the necessary resources for rehabilitation and care.

Sports Injuries

Sports and recreational activities, while promoting health and teamwork, also present risks for brain injuries. Contact sports like football, hockey, and soccer are especially notorious for their potential to cause concussions and other forms of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Proper safety equipment and adherence to rules are critical in minimizing these risks. When accidents occur due to negligence or inadequate safety protocols, it’s essential to seek experienced legal representation. Our firm is adept at addressing such cases, providing guidance and support to those affected.

Workplace Accidents

The workplace, particularly in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation, is a common setting for brain injuries. Falls from heights, struck-by-object incidents, and machinery accidents are frequent causes. Employers have a responsibility to ensure a safe working environment, and when they fail to do so, they should be held accountable. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we stand ready to advocate for workers injured on the job, helping them navigate the complexities of workers’ compensation claims and personal injury lawsuits.

The causes of brain injury accidents are varied, but the impact on the victims and their families is consistently profound. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we believe in the importance of understanding these causes, not only to better serve our clients but also to contribute to prevention efforts. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, we invite you to contact us. As your Brain Injury Lawyer in Coral Springs, FL, we are committed to providing compassionate, competent legal representation, ensuring that you receive the justice and compensation you are entitled to. Together, we can navigate the legal process, focusing on your recovery and well-being.

Brain Injury Infographic

Causes Of Brain Injury Accidents Infographic

Long-Term Consequences of Brain Injury

Understanding the long-term consequences of brain injury is crucial for victims and their families as they navigate the challenging path towards recovery. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can significantly alter an individual’s life, affecting their physical health, cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and social interactions. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we specialize in providing legal support to those affected by brain injuries. Our dedicated team, based in Coral Springs, FL, is committed to ensuring that our clients receive the compensation and support they need to address the long-term effects of their injuries.

Cognitive Impairments

One of the most significant long-term consequences of a brain injury is cognitive impairment. Victims may experience difficulties with memory, attention, concentration, and executive functions such as planning and organizing. These impairments can affect an individual’s ability to work, study, and perform daily tasks. Cognitive rehabilitation may help improve some of these impairments, but many individuals face ongoing challenges that require long-term support and accommodations.

Physical Disabilities

Brain injuries can also lead to long-term physical disabilities. These may include paralysis, spasticity, balance and coordination problems, and chronic pain. Some individuals may require assistive devices, ongoing physical therapy, and other forms of medical treatment to manage these disabilities. The physical limitations imposed by brain injuries can drastically alter one’s lifestyle and independence, necessitating adjustments to living spaces and routines.

Emotional and Behavioral Changes

The emotional and behavioral changes following a brain injury can be particularly challenging for both the victim and their loved ones. Individuals may experience mood swings, depression, anxiety, aggression, and changes in personality. These changes can strain relationships and make social interactions difficult. Professional counseling and support groups can be vital resources for managing these emotional and behavioral consequences.

Social and Employment Challenges

Brain injury survivors often face significant social and employment challenges. Cognitive impairments and physical disabilities can make returning to work difficult or impossible for some. Even those who are able to return to work may require accommodations or may need to change professions. Socially, individuals with brain injuries may find it challenging to maintain old friendships or form new ones, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Choosing The Andres Lopez law Firm To Represent You

Navigating the aftermath of a brain injury can be overwhelming for victims and their families. Securing adequate compensation is crucial for covering medical expenses, rehabilitation, and lost income, as well as for facilitating necessary adjustments to living situations and providing for long-term care needs. This is where the expertise of a Brain Injury Lawyer in Coral Springs, FL, becomes invaluable.

At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we understand the multifaceted impact of brain injuries. Our team is committed to advocating for the rights and needs of brain injury victims. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the comprehensive compensation they deserve, taking into account not only immediate medical expenses but also the long-term consequences of their injuries. If you or a loved one is facing the challenges of a brain injury, we encourage you to reach out to us. Together, we can develop a strategy to secure the support and resources you need for the future, allowing you to focus on recovery and adaptation. Our goal is to stand by your side through every step of this journey, providing the legal expertise and compassionate support you need to navigate these challenging times.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a complex medical condition that can have a profound impact on an individual’s life, affecting their physical health, cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we recognize the challenges faced by individuals and families dealing with the aftermath of a TBI. As experienced Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the legal support and guidance they need during this difficult time. Our goal is to ensure that our clients understand their rights and options, and we are committed to fighting for the compensation and care they deserve.

Traumatic Brain Injury occurs when an external force, such as a blow or jolt to the head, disrupts the normal function of the brain. TBIs can range from mild (commonly referred to as concussions) to severe, involving extended periods of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury. The severity of the injury can significantly influence the long-term effects and the rehabilitation process required for recovery.

Causes of TBI

The causes of TBI are varied and can include falls, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, and violence. Each case is unique, with the severity and impact of the injury depending on several factors, including the force of the impact and the part of the brain affected. Understanding the cause of the injury is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan and for legal purposes, especially when the injury is the result of someone else’s negligence.

Symptoms of TBI

The symptoms of TBI can be physical, cognitive, and emotional, and they can vary widely depending on the severity of the injury. Physical symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and problems with speech. Cognitive impairments can affect memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Emotional and behavioral changes, such as mood swings, irritability, and depression, are also common. Recognizing these symptoms early and seeking medical attention is essential for the recovery process.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Dealing with a TBI can be overwhelming, not only due to the medical challenges but also because of the legal and financial implications. Securing compensation is critical for covering medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost income. This is where the expertise of a Brain Injury Lawyer in Coral Springs, FL, becomes invaluable. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we understand the complexities involved in TBI cases. We work closely with our clients and their families to build a strong case, negotiating with insurance companies and, if necessary, taking legal action to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they need and deserve.

How We Can Help

At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we believe in a compassionate and comprehensive approach to legal representation. We are committed to supporting our clients through every step of their journey, from the initial consultation to the resolution of their case. Our team has the experience, resources, and dedication needed to handle the complexities of TBI cases effectively. We strive to provide our clients with peace of mind, knowing that their legal matters are in capable hands.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, we encourage you to reach out to us. As your Brain Injury Lawyer in Coral Springs, FL, we are here to help you navigate the legal system and fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. Together, we can work towards a positive outcome, allowing you to focus on recovery and rebuilding your life.

Symptoms of Brain Injury

Brain injuries, ranging from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), can manifest a wide array of symptoms affecting an individual’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacities. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment, which can significantly impact the recovery process. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, our experienced team of Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, understands the complexities and challenges that come with brain injuries. We are dedicated to providing our clients and their families with the necessary legal support and guidance to navigate these challenging times.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of brain injury can be immediate or appear days after the injury. They may include:

  • Headaches: Persistent or worsening headaches are common and may indicate a more serious condition.
  • Nausea or Vomiting: These symptoms, especially when occurring repeatedly after the injury, require medical attention.
  • Fatigue or Drowsiness: Increased sleepiness or difficulty waking up can be signs of a brain injury.
  • Dizziness or Loss of Balance: These symptoms can indicate issues with the brain’s ability to regulate balance and coordination.
  • Sensory Issues: Blurred vision, ringing in the ears, bad taste in the mouth, or changes in the ability to smell can occur.
  • Seizures: Seizures may be a symptom of severe brain injury and require immediate medical evaluation.

Cognitive Symptoms

Cognitive symptoms affect the way a person thinks and can include:

  • Memory or Concentration Problems: Difficulty remembering new information or concentrating is common.
  • Confusion: The person may be confused about events, times, or places.
  • Slowed Processing Speeds: Difficulty processing information or responding to questions.
  • Difficulty Speaking or Understanding: Problems with communication, such as slurred speech or difficulty understanding speech.

Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms

Brain injuries can also lead to changes in emotional regulation and behavior, including:

  • Mood Swings: Rapid changes in mood without a clear reason.
  • Depression or Anxiety: Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or excessive worry that interfere with daily life.
  • Agitation or Aggression: Increased irritability or aggressive behavior.
  • Changes in Personality: Significant changes in personality traits or social behavior.

The Importance of Seeking Legal Assistance

If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, it’s crucial to seek both medical and legal assistance promptly. Early intervention can not only facilitate a better recovery but also ensure that you are adequately compensated for your injuries, losses, and future needs.

At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we understand the profound impact a brain injury can have on your life and well-being. Our Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, are committed to advocating for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve. We encourage you to reach out to us for a consultation. Our team will work tirelessly to support you through this challenging time, handling the legal complexities so you can focus on your recovery.

Brain injuries can have lasting effects, and navigating the aftermath requires both medical and legal expertise. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive legal representation for brain injury victims. Our commitment is to ensure that our clients receive the care, support, and compensation necessary to address the long-term consequences of their injuries.

Filing For Brain Injury Compensation

Suffering a brain injury can be a life-altering experience, not only for the victim but also for their family. The road to recovery is often long, fraught with medical treatments, rehabilitation, and adapting to a new way of life. Amidst these challenges, financial pressures due to medical bills, loss of income, and ongoing care needs can be overwhelming. Securing adequate compensation is crucial to alleviate these financial burdens and ensure the best possible care for the brain injury survivor. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, our team of experienced Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, is dedicated to guiding clients through the process of filing for brain injury compensation, ensuring they receive the justice and support they deserve.

Understanding Your Rights

The first step in filing for brain injury compensation is to understand your legal rights. Brain injuries can result from various incidents, including car accidents, falls, sports injuries, and workplace accidents. If another party’s negligence or wrongdoing caused the injury, you might be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future care needs. Our legal team at The Andres Lopez Law Firm can help you understand your rights and evaluate the strength of your case.

Gathering Evidence

A successful compensation claim for a brain injury requires comprehensive evidence to support the claim. This evidence can include medical records, witness statements, accident reports, and expert testimony regarding the extent of the injury and its impact on the victim’s life. Our Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, have extensive experience in gathering and presenting evidence to build a strong case on behalf of our clients.

Calculating Compensation

Determining the amount of compensation to pursue involves considering current and future medical expenses, lost income, diminished earning capacity, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. Calculating these amounts can be complex, especially when projecting future needs. Our skilled attorneys at The Andres Lopez Law Firm have the expertise to accurately assess the full extent of your damages, ensuring that the compensation sought reflects the true cost of the brain injury.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often play a significant role in brain injury compensation cases. However, they may attempt to minimize the amount paid out in claims. Having a knowledgeable Brain Injury Lawyer by your side is crucial during negotiations. We are adept at dealing with insurance companies, ensuring that our clients’ interests are protected and that they receive a fair settlement.

Going to Court

While many brain injury compensation cases are settled out of court, some may require litigation. If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, our team is prepared to take your case to trial. We have a proven track record in the courtroom, fighting tenaciously on behalf of our clients to secure the compensation they deserve.

Receiving Settlements for Brain Injury Accidents

Dealing with the aftermath of a brain injury accident is a profoundly challenging experience for victims and their families. The journey towards recovery often involves significant medical treatments, rehabilitation, and adjustments to daily life. Amid these challenges, financial concerns due to accumulating medical bills, loss of income, and long-term care needs can add an overwhelming burden. Securing a fair settlement is crucial to address these concerns and ensure that victims receive the necessary support for their recovery and future well-being. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, our dedicated team of Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, specializes in helping clients navigate the complex process of receiving settlements for brain injury accidents, advocating tirelessly to secure the compensation our clients rightfully deserve.

Understanding Settlements

A settlement in a brain injury case is a legal agreement between the injured party and the responsible party (or their insurance company) to resolve a claim for damages without going to trial. Settlements are negotiated agreements that typically result in the victim receiving compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs. The process requires a detailed understanding of both the immediate and long-term impacts of the injury, as well as the legal nuances of personal injury claims.

The Importance of Expert Legal Representation

Navigating the settlement process for a brain injury claim can be complex and requires expert legal knowledge and negotiation skills. As experienced Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, we at The Andres Lopez Law Firm possess the expertise necessary to effectively represent our clients’ interests. Our legal team works diligently to gather evidence, consult with medical experts, and build a compelling case that accurately reflects the full extent of our clients’ injuries and losses.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often play a critical role in the settlement process. However, their primary goal is to minimize their financial exposure, which can lead to settlement offers that fall short of covering the victim’s current and future needs. Our skilled attorneys are adept at negotiating with insurance companies, ensuring that any settlement offer adequately compensates our clients for their injuries, losses, and future care requirements. We stand firm in our negotiations, prepared to advocate vigorously on behalf of our clients to achieve a fair resolution.

Factors Influencing Settlement Amounts

Several factors can influence the amount of a settlement in a brain injury case, including the severity of the injury, the impact on the victim’s quality of life, the cost of current and future medical care, lost income and earning capacity, and the presence of pain and suffering. Our team meticulously assesses all relevant factors to ensure that the settlement accurately reflects the comprehensive impact of the injury on our clients’ lives.

How The Andres Lopez Law Firm Can Help

We understand the profound impact a brain injury can have on an individual and their family. Our Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, are committed to providing compassionate, professional legal representation to brain injury victims. We guide our clients through every step of the compensation process, from understanding their rights to negotiating settlements and, if necessary, representing them in court. Together, we can work towards securing the compensation needed to support your recovery and future well-being. Our commitment is to stand by your side, offering the legal expertise and support you need during this challenging time.

At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we are committed to guiding our clients through every step of the settlement process. From the initial consultation to the negotiation table, our Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, provide compassionate, professional legal representation. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a brain injury can take on individuals and their families, and we are dedicated to securing the settlements our clients need to support their recovery and future.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our legal team is here to help you understand your rights, explore your options, and work tirelessly to secure the settlement you deserve. Together, we can navigate the challenges of the legal process, allowing you to focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life.

Brain Injury FAQs

What is the statute of limitations for filing a brain injury lawsuit in Coral Springs, FL?

In Coral Springs, FL, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit related to a brain injury is generally four years from the date of the accident. This timeframe is critical as it dictates how long you have to legally pursue compensation for injuries sustained. However, it’s important to note that certain circumstances, such as injuries to minors or cases involving government entities, may alter this period. Consulting with a Brain Injury Lawyer in Coral Springs, FL, can provide clarity on how the statute of limitations applies to your specific case.

Can I file a brain injury claim if the injured person is unable to do so themselves?

Yes, if the injured party is unable to file a claim due to the severity of their brain injury, a family member or legally appointed guardian can file the claim on their behalf. This provision ensures that the rights of the severely injured are protected and that they have the opportunity to seek compensation for their injuries, even if they are not in a condition to initiate the process themselves. Legal guardianship or power of attorney may be required to act in this capacity, and a Brain Injury Lawyer can guide you through the necessary steps.

Are there caps on damages for brain injury cases in Coral Springs, FL?

As of the last update, Florida had removed the previously existing caps on non-economic damages (such as pain and suffering) in personal injury cases, including brain injury claims. This change means that there is no fixed limit on the amount of compensation you can receive for non-economic damages in a brain injury lawsuit. Economic damages, such as medical bills and lost wages, are also not capped and are based on the actual costs incurred and future financial losses.

How is fault determined in brain injury cases in Coral Springs, FL?

Fault in brain injury cases is determined by examining the evidence to establish negligence on the part of the defendant. This process involves showing that the defendant owed a duty of care to the injured party, breached that duty through action or inaction, and directly caused the injury as a result. Florida follows a comparative negligence rule, meaning that if the injured party is found partly at fault, their compensation may be reduced proportionally to their degree of fault. A skilled Brain Injury Lawyer can help navigate these complexities and build a strong case for compensation.

Can I still receive compensation if I was partially at fault for the brain injury?

Yes, under Florida’s comparative negligence law, you can still receive compensation even if you were partially at fault for the brain injury. Your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault in the accident. For example, if you are found to be 20% at fault and the total damages amount to $100,000, you would be eligible to receive 80% of the damages, or $80,000. It’s essential to have an experienced Brain Injury Lawyer represent you to ensure that fault is fairly assessed and to maximize the compensation you receive.

Coral Springs Brain Injury FAQs

Suffering a brain injury can be a life-altering experience, impacting not only the individual directly affected but also their loved ones. Whether the injury resulted from a car accident, slip and fall incident, medical malpractice, or another traumatic event, seeking legal representation from a Coral Springs, FL brain injury lawyer is crucial to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation. Here are several compelling reasons why you should contact a brain injury lawyer from The Andres Lopez Law Firm if you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury:

Legal Experience In Brain Injury Cases

Brain injury cases are complex and require specialized knowledge of both personal injury law and the medical aspects of brain trauma. A brain injury lawyer has extensive experience handling cases involving traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), concussions, and other neurological disorders. They understand the legal principles, medical terminology, and evidence required to build a strong case and pursue maximum compensation for their clients.

Comprehensive Assessment Of Damages

Brain injuries can result in a wide range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and financial damages. A brain injury lawyer will conduct a thorough assessment of your damages, including medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost income, diminished earning capacity, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life. They will work closely with medical professionals, vocational specialists, and other professionals to accurately quantify your damages and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your losses.

Investigation Of Liability

Determining liability is a critical aspect of a brain injury case. Whether the injury occurred in a car accident, workplace incident, or medical setting, identifying the negligent parties responsible for the injury is essential to pursuing a successful claim. A brain injury lawyer will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding your injury, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess liability. They will hold the at-fault parties accountable for their negligence and pursue compensation on your behalf.

Negotiation With Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies can be daunting, especially when you’re coping with the physical and emotional challenges of a brain injury. A Coral Springs brain injury lawyer will handle all communications and negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf. They will advocate for your rights, present evidence of liability and damages, and negotiate for a fair settlement that fully compensates you for your injuries and losses. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, your lawyer will be prepared to escalate the matter to litigation.

Professional Assistance Is Available

Contacting a brain injury lawyer is essential if you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to the negligence or wrongful actions of another party. With their legal experience, compassion, and dedication, these legal professionals will advocate for your rights, pursue maximum compensation for your injuries and losses, and help you rebuild your life after a traumatic brain injury. If you’re unsure whether you have a valid brain injury claim, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with a Coral Springs brain injury lawyer from The Andres Lopez Law Firm to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Schedule A Consultation Today

At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, we understand the profound impact that brain injuries can have on individuals and their families. As experienced Brain Injury Lawyers in Coral Springs, FL, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, professional legal representation to those affected by brain injuries. Our team is committed to guiding our clients through the complex legal process, ensuring they receive the justice and compensation they deserve. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by brain injury victims, we stand ready to advocate tirelessly on their behalf, leveraging our expertise to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients. Trust us to be your steadfast allies, as we navigate this journey together, towards recovery and resolution.

    Client Review

    "My mother was in a bad car accident. She had to hospitalize for her injuries and broke her right wrist. We decided to hire The Andres Lopez Law Firm after her accident for the personal injuries caused by the other party. I can say, we have made the right decision by hiring them. Not only they settled our case, Alex from the law firm was always responsive to our questions and also guided is through throughout the whole process. I highly recommend them if anyone else gets into a situation like ours."
    T. Ali
    Client Review

    Attorney Andres
    Meet Our

    Trial Attorney

    Attorney Andres Lopez has over a decade of trial experience. In that time, his work and track record of success has earned him a reputation for being a top trial attorney in South Florida.

    Born in La Paz, Bolivia, Andres Lopez and his family moved to Washington, D.C. when he was a child.

    Prior to attending law school, Andres Lopez tirelessly worked to give a voice to the people by serving in the White House, the Maryland Governor’s Office and managing the campaign of the first Latino to be elected to public office in Maryland.

    Devoted to the legal community, Mr. Lopez serves as a member of The Florida Bar, the Broward County Bar Association, the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association, the Maryland Bar Association and the Florida Justice Association.