Dog Bite Lawyer Broward County, FL

Victims of animal attacks and dog bites are not without remedy. In the state of Florida, dog bite victims can recover compensation for future medical treatment, medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income, and emotional trauma. It helps to have our Broward County, FL dog bite lawyer assist you so you can get the most out of your case. Depending on your relationship with the dog owner, they may or may not be cooperative and willing to take responsibility for what happened. But ultimately, by law, a dog owner is liable for the harm and damages that their canine causes. If you have questions about this, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Andres Lopez Law Firm as soon as you can.

Florida Strict Liability

Florida law is clear pertaining to animal attacks and og bites. The owner is responsible if their animal bites any person within a public space. Furthermore, a dog owner may be liable even if the bite happens in a private space permitting the victim was present lawfully. This liability means they would have to pay for the injury and damages sustained by the person bitten. Liability is imposed no matter what kind of previous displays of aggression the dog has or has not shown, and regardless of the owner’s knowledge of their dog’s viciousness. Florida is tough on owners of canines, but they are not sympathetic to those who were bitten because of their own behavior. Compensation may be reduced based on the degree of fault of negligence of the victim in the biting incident. For instance, if someone taunts a dog, they may be seen as at least partially liable and their compensation amount could be reduced or their claims against the owner denied.

Dog Bite Infections

One of the biggest concerns about dog bites is the risk of infection. This is due to bacteria in the dog’s mouth that could be transferred into the wound. It is vital that dog bite victims thoroughly clean the wound and get medical attention. While rabies is rare, it can be fatal if left untreated or treated too late. Capnocytophaga is a type of bacteria that lives in the mouths of cats and dogs and does not affect most people. But those who have a weakened immune system and are bitten by a dog could be vulnerable. It is concerning if a dog bite turns red, painful, and swollen. This is why our knowledgeable dog bite attorney strongly advises being seen by a doctor after a dog bite incident.

The Andres Lopez Law Firm

If you or someone you care about was recently bitten by a dog in the state of Florida, now is the time to see a doctor and speak with our FL dog bite attorney. You could be owed compensation from the dog owner for your injuries and other damages. We understand that dog bite attacks can be traumatizing. If you need support at this time and are interested in pursuing monetary restitution for what you have endured, contact The Andres Lopez Law Firm today.

Understanding Dog Breeds And Post-Bite Actions

Dog bites can be traumatic and often leave victims questioning the safety of certain dog breeds. At The Andres Lopez Law Firm, our Broward County, FL dog bite lawyer frequently encounters clients concerned about the potential danger posed by various dog breeds and seeking advice on what steps to take after a dog bite incident. Let’s delve into whether some breeds are indeed more dangerous and what you should do following a dog bite.

Assessing The Danger Of Dog Breeds

The debate over whether some dog breeds are inherently more dangerous than others is ongoing. Certain breeds, such as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds, often have a reputation for being more aggressive. However, it’s essential to recognize that a dog’s behavior is influenced by numerous factors beyond its breed, including training, socialization, environment, and the owner’s treatment of the animal.

While statistics may show that certain breeds are involved in more biting incidents, this does not necessarily mean that these breeds are inherently vicious. It is crucial to consider each dog’s individual behavior rather than making broad generalizations based solely on breed. Our firm is licensed to practice in both Maryland and Florida, so we have seen our fair share of dog bites and they by no means have all been just from a few breeds.

Steps To Take After A Dog Bite

In the unfortunate event of a dog bite, knowing how to respond effectively can significantly impact your recovery and any potential legal actions. Here’s what to do:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health and safety are paramount. Even if the bite appears minor, it’s essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Dog bites can lead to infections, and a healthcare professional can properly clean and dress the wound, assess the need for stitches, and determine if you require a tetanus shot or rabies vaccination.

Document The Incident

Accurate documentation is vital in dog bite cases. If possible, gather information about the dog and its owner, including names, contact details, and the dog’s vaccination history. Take photographs of your injuries, the location where the bite occurred, and any other relevant evidence. This documentation can be invaluable when seeking compensation for your injuries.

Report The Bite

Reporting the incident to local animal control authorities is a critical step. This helps ensure that the dog’s behavior is officially recorded and that appropriate actions are taken to prevent future incidents. It also establishes an official record of the event, which can be beneficial in any subsequent legal proceedings. If you are okay to do so, you should go ahead and call the police at the scene of the injury so they can arrive and document the scene.

Consult A Lawyer

Contacting a Broward County dog bite lawyer is essential in protecting your rights and pursuing compensation for your injuries. At our law firm, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to guide you through the legal process, helping you understand your options and build a strong case. We fight hard for our clients, winning settlements as large as $875,000.

Recovering Damages

Victims of dog bites may be entitled to various forms of compensation, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. Working with a lawyer ensures that you pursue the full extent of damages available to you, holding the responsible party accountable for their pet’s actions.

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, The Andres Lopez Law Firm is here to help. Our team understands the challenges you face and is committed to providing the support and legal guidance you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a Broward County dog bite lawyer, and let us assist you in obtaining the compensation and justice you deserve.

5 Misconceptions About Dog Bites

Dog bite cases are more common than many people realize, but there are also a lot of misconceptions surrounding them as a Broward County, FL dog bite lawyer knows all too well. When someone is injured by a dog, it can be confusing to know what rights they have or how the legal process works. Here are five common misconceptions about dog bites that could affect your understanding of how these cases are handled.

1. Only Aggressive Breeds Bite

One of the most widespread myths is that only certain breeds of dogs, often referred to as “aggressive breeds,” are responsible for dog bites. While some breeds may be more prone to aggressive behavior, any dog, regardless of size or breed, can bite if provoked, scared, or feeling territorial. It’s important to remember that any dog can cause harm under the right circumstances, and breed alone is not a determining factor in whether a dog might bite. If you’ve been bitten, contact a Broward County dog bite lawyer to understand your rights, no matter what type of dog was involved. Our team has won multiple personal injury settlements with some as large as $875,000 so we are ready to fight for you.

2. If A Dog Has Never Bitten Before, The Owner Isn’t Liable

Many people believe that a dog owner cannot be held responsible for a bite if it’s the dog’s first time biting someone. This is not true in many jurisdictions. Florida, for example, follows a “strict liability” rule. This means that dog owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dog, even if the dog has never shown signs of aggression before.

3. You Can’t File A Claim If The Bite Didn’t Break The Skin

Not all dog bites result in broken skin, but that doesn’t mean there’s no case. Even without visible wounds, a dog bite can cause significant damage, including bruising, nerve injuries, or emotional trauma. Additionally, the fear and anxiety following a bite can be significant and may also be factored into a claim.

4. Dog Owners Are Always At Fault

While dog owners often hold some responsibility in dog bite cases, it’s not automatic. If the person bitten was trespassing, provoking the dog, or engaging in illegal activities at the time of the bite, they may share in the blame. Florida operates under a “comparative negligence” rule, which means that a victim’s compensation can be reduced based on their role in the incident. Determining fault can be tricky, which is why working with a qualified lawyer can help you better understand the circumstances of your case. Our experienced team has won settlements as large as $155,000 for personal injury cases, so they are well versed in helping clients in comlex cases.

5. You Can’t Be Compensated For A Minor Dog Bite

Many people assume that only severe dog bite injuries result in compensation. However, even minor bites can lead to costly medical bills, emotional distress, and time lost from work. Medical care, follow-up visits, and even therapy may be necessary after a dog bite, and these costs can add up quickly. A lawyer can help you recover the expenses you’ve incurred, even if the injury seems minor at first.

If you’ve been bitten by a dog and are unsure about your next steps, we can help. Our Broward County dog bite lawyer team has experience with these types of cases and can provide guidance. Even if the dog bite did not break the skin, we can still help! Contact The Andres Lopez Law Firm today for a consultation to discuss your case and how we can help protect your rights.

Broward County Dog Bite FAQs

Dog bites can result in significant injuries, both physically and emotionally. Knowing your rights after such an incident is crucial to getting the compensation you deserve, especially when it involves legal matters. The Andres Lopez Law Firm is here to guide you through the process. Below, our Broward County, FL dog bite lawyer addresses some common questions people have about dog bite cases.

What Happens If The Dog Bite Was Provoked?

If a dog bite was provoked, it could affect your ability to recover compensation. Courts often consider whether the victim did something to provoke the animal before it bit them as our lawyers who have over ten years of trial experience can explain. If a person intentionally teased, hit, or threatened the dog, it might reduce the liability of the owner. However, this depends on the situation, and in some cases, even if the bite was provoked, there may still be grounds for a claim.

Will My Medical Bills Be Covered By The Dog Owner’s Insurance?

Dog owners are often responsible for medical bills if their dog bites someone. In most cases, the dog owner’s homeowner or renter’s insurance will cover these costs. This could include emergency room visits, follow-up care, or even surgeries. It’s important to gather all the necessary documentation of your medical treatment so that these expenses can be properly accounted for during your claim. An attorney can help you with all of that from gathering evidence to working with insurance companies.

Can I Still Sue If The Dog Bite Occurred In A Public Place?

Yes, if the dog bite occurred in a public place, you may still have a valid claim against the dog’s owner. Whether the dog was under the owner’s control or running loose can play a role in determining liability. In public areas, the owner is responsible for keeping the dog properly restrained. A Broward County dog bite lawyer can help evaluate your specific case and determine if you’re eligible to seek compensation for the injuries you’ve sustained.

What Role Does The “One-Bite Rule” Play In My Case?

The “one-bite rule” may impact your case depending on the state where the bite occurred. Some states follow this rule, which means the owner might not be liable for the first time their dog bites someone unless they had reason to believe the dog was dangerous. However, in states that impose strict liability, like Florida, owners are held responsible for dog bites regardless of whether the dog had previously shown aggression. That means even if it’s the first bite, the owner can still be sued for damages.

What Should I Do If The Dog That Bit Me Belongs To A Family Member Or Friend?

When the dog that bit you belongs to a family member or friend, filing a claim can feel awkward. However, in most situations, their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance will cover your medical bills and other damages. It’s important to remember that you’re not pursuing a lawsuit directly against them, but rather against their insurance. A Broward County dog bite lawyer can assist in making the process smoother, allowing you to recover without placing undue strain on your personal relationships.

If you’ve been injured by a dog, you deserve the right legal guidance to navigate this complex area of law. The Andres Lopez Law Firm has experience handling dog bite cases and is ready to help you pursue the compensation you’re entitled to. Contact us today for a consultation, and let’s work together to ensure your rights are protected. Our lawyers speak both English and Spanish so they are ready to take on your case!

The Andres Lopez Law Firm, PA
7351 Wiles Road
Suite 101
Coral Springs, FL 33067


Coral Springs Office

    Client Review

    "My mother was in a bad car accident. She had to hospitalize for her injuries and broke her right wrist. We decided to hire The Andres Lopez Law Firm after her accident for the personal injuries caused by the other party. I can say, we have made the right decision by hiring them. Not only they settled our case, Alex from the law firm was always responsive to our questions and also guided is through throughout the whole process. I highly recommend them if anyone else gets into a situation like ours."
    T. Ali
    Client Review

    Attorney Andres
    Meet Our

    Trial Attorney

    Attorney Andres Lopez has over a decade of trial experience. In that time, his work and track record of success has earned him a reputation for being a top trial attorney in South Florida.

    Born in La Paz, Bolivia, Andres Lopez and his family moved to Washington, D.C. when he was a child.

    Prior to attending law school, Andres Lopez tirelessly worked to give a voice to the people by serving in the White House, the Maryland Governor’s Office and managing the campaign of the first Latino to be elected to public office in Maryland.

    Devoted to the legal community, Mr. Lopez serves as a member of The Florida Bar, the Broward County Bar Association, the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association, the Maryland Bar Association and the Florida Justice Association.